ANT e-Travel Authorization

e-Travel Authorization

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Reduce time and cost

This is a web-based workflow application designed to help your company significantly reduce time and cost associated with your employees business travelling process. This system implements and supports a full extend business travelling process from travelling requests and authorization to business travelling reporting and settlement.

Reduce Administration and Processing Time

Significantly reduces the time and effort required to process and approve all travel requests. Each employee can create and submit their request easily using a web browser.

Budget-Realization Report Features

This feature helps Top Management to monitor their budget and realization, not only per department but until per employee.


This application really reduce paperwork and help a company to create a paperless environment unless for legality.

Future Integration with other/existing application

In the future, this application can be integrated with existing system such as Oracle database. This application is a web based workflow application and used to create a more efficient process. The process started when a user request to travel, and then create their work plan, request for prepayment, request for ticket (train or air plane), create report for what they have done and for the money they spent for each travel request. They can travel to branches or to do another job such as meeting outside the office, opening for a branch, and many mory. This application built on top of Workflow Engine that runs on Lotus Domino platform. Lotus Domino acts as a Web Server and an Application Server.


  • To automate and to simplify all the necessary business processes to achieve all the promised benefits of IT into its business.
  • To help all the personnel involved in making sound decision by providing all the necessary information at their finger-tips.
  • To provide an easy to use system and to ensure the accountability of every personnel involved in the system.
  • To help the organization achieving efficient and effective work for all personnel.

When you choose to buy ANT e-Travel Authorization, you choose the high quality products and services with high security. This application also supported with Workflow Engine 2.1.